Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Adrian Frutier

Adrian Frutier was born to his parents in Unterseen, Canton of Bern in 1928. He was interested in type from a young age when he started experimenting with scripts and putting a style to handwriting. He explored what you could do with cursive because that was the style he had to formally write in his swiss school. He was especially interested in sculpture which his parents and teacher didnt approve of and instead pushed him into the world of print. His first job in the business was working as a compositor to a printer in Interlaken. Later he went on to study at the Kunstgewerbeschule School of applied arts. Later he went to Paris and started working as a typeface designer and artistic manager at Deberny & Peignot. He started creating fonts often now some were Phoebus, Ondine and Meridien. His work designing the font Univers put his foot in the door to establishing and international position as a typeface designer. This font was created for metal and film in 1957 and is a sans-serif font. Adrian went on to develop and refine his very own typefaces to include more weights and italics to add variety to his work.

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